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Samples with Cash Back

Home Sample Service

Home Sample Service
We offer all our customers the possibility to receive a sample of one of our products comfortably at home.
The samples are always free, while the shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer, who, in the case of a subsequent order, can benefit from a refund of the shipping cost on their own order.

What Are Samples and How Does Cash Back Work?
The samples are small fragments of our products that allow you to conveniently verify the color and texture of the selected product at your home. If you decide to place a full order after choosing one of the samples with dimensions 9 x 19 cm, we offer you a refund equal to the sample's shipping cost. In other words, we will reimburse the amount you spent on the sample's shipping when you make a full purchase.

"Real" Samples and Their Unique Charm
If you desire an even more engaging experience, we also offer the possibility to receive samples in larger or "real" sizes. However, for these samples, the shipping cost is at your expense. Cash Back is not available for this category of samples.

Sample Availability
We want to offer you only the best, which is why the availability of samples depends on their presence at the manufacturing companies. We care about your experience and will do our best to provide you with the samples you desire, but please remember that availability may vary.