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Tax deductions

Onetile offers expert advice on tax deductions

Onetile offers expert advice on tax deductions for renovations and energy retrofits.
Like many other building interventions, the refurbishment or re-laying of flooring and wall tiles may be eligible for tax concessions, in the case of deductions on building renovations or on energy savings.

Indoor floor/wall tiles

If internal floor and wall tiles are replaced in the communal areas of an apartment building, the cost is eligible for a tax deduction. On the other hand, tiling jobs done in private homes cannot benefit from tax concessions, unless the replacement of the interior floor/wall tiles is the result of another intervention that is subject to a deduction (e.g. the floor tiles need to be replaced because the plumbing system needs to be substituted). The replacement of floor/wall tiles is considered an "ordinary maintenance intervention" and the law of December 2014 only deems this type of intervention eligible for a tax concession if carried out in the common area of an apartment building.

Outdoor floor/wall tiles

Tax benefits are always applicable for the refurbishing or new laying of outdoor floor and wall tiles in common areas in apartment buildings. As for private outdoor spaces, the laying of floor/wall tiles is always subject to a deduction if it is a new installation; in order to make the simple retiling of a private external floor/wall fall within the tax concession, the surface and materials must be changed.

Indoor floor/wall tiles

Simply replacing the interior floor/wall tiling is not among the interventions subject to a tax deduction on energy savings, unless it is the consequence of a prior intervention that benefits from a tax deduction linked to energy savings.

Outdoor floor/wall tiles

Laying outdoor floor/wall tiles does not fall within the deduction on energy savings, whether it is a new installation or a replacement. On the other hand, expenditures for external floor/wall tiles are deductible if they are necessary to carry out other operations subject to tax concessions for energy savings.